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Bbc News North Korea Russia

Russia Shuts Down UN Panel Monitoring North Korea Sanctions

Russia and North Korea Strengthen Bilateral Ties

Moscow's Move Raises Concerns Over Nuclear Proliferation

Russia has abruptly closed down a panel of United Nations experts that have for years monitored sanctions against North Korea, a move that has raised concerns about the country's commitment to upholding international law and preventing nuclear proliferation.

The Russian delegation to the UN Security Council, which holds the rotating presidency this month, has refused to renew the mandate of the Panel of Experts on North Korea, which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of sanctions imposed by the Council in response to North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

Russia's decision has been met with condemnation from other members of the Council, who argue that the Panel plays a vital role in monitoring compliance with sanctions and ensuring that North Korea does not evade restrictions on its weapons program.

The closure of the panel comes amid a period of warming relations between Russia and North Korea. In recent months, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have met twice, and the two countries have signed agreements to expand their cooperation in areas such as trade, energy, and infrastructure.

Russia's decision to shut down the UN panel has sparked concerns that Moscow is becoming increasingly lenient towards North Korea and may be undermining international efforts to prevent the country from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Western diplomats have also expressed concerns that Russia's move may embolden North Korea to further test its ballistic missiles and conduct nuclear tests, further escalating tensions in the region.

The UN Security Council is scheduled to hold a meeting on North Korea in the coming days, where Russia's decision to close down the Panel of Experts is expected to be a major topic of discussion.
